Monday, November 10, 2014


Crown: handles Wisdom
blocked by Attachment
Eye: handles Vision
blocked by Illusions
Throat: handles Communication
blocked by Lies
Heart: handles Love
blocked by Greif
Solar: handles Personal Power
blocked by Shame
Sacral: handles Creativity
blocked by Guilt/Debt
Root: handles Survival/Grounding
blocked by Fear

The Labyrinth

Entering The Labyrinth, 
we first follow the path of Personal Power, 
which leads to the Skills of Creativity, 
which leads to Survival as one with the Resources of Nature, 
which leads to Love for all we may set our eyes on,
which leads to Wisdom learned from every living thing
which leads to Vision of balance for the future
which leads to Communication to teach others 
to enter The Labyrinth for themselves

when someone has given up their personal power they will try to compensate by taking power over other people, to fill the void left in their Solar Plexus Charka. Thru fear guilt and shame they will deny you the self confidence to create an abundance for yourself, to cause dependency on the scraps they will throw you to survive on. Love becomes distorted into Stockholm Syndrome. Attachments to Illusions, and Lies.
In compensating to fill their own Void,  a chain reaction within spreading to others...

Every Man and Woman is their own King/Queen

Open Source ideas to create

Self Reliance Survival