Friday, July 22, 2011

(A) New "The Thing"

(A) New "The Thing" - Draft .1203

Citizen - an individual of the age of twenty sponsored by another already Citizen of the tribe. Training shall be in the first year. Upon completion he or she has the right to claim a House. Training shall consist of study and agreement with the whole of The Thing.

House - Every Citizen His own king. To every king his own kingdom. Equal size for everyone, size decided by the Tribe. A homestead, agricultural based income. Not that every House needs to be a farmer. work it by rule of thirds, One Third for owning the land, One third for equipment maintenance, and One third for the work. You own your Land, you can let your green thumbed neighbour trade by thirds to work your crops. Even a House whose head is disabled owns their own income.

Tribe - Your tribe is your good Friends, and your good Family, who you feel safe and happy to live around. Your neighbors, your community, who till death you would defend.

Law - There shall be no law higher than the local Tribe. All laws must be unanimous. At most one objector, but no more or the Law is tyrany.
If any one or group disagrees with the Law of The Tribe, they may leave.

Election - A position is in need, Who will volunteer? Who has ideas. Who will stand behind them? As ideas are thrown around, people form lines in support of the voice for that idea. As long as the idea has enough man power standing behind it to get it done, those people do it. But should the position become a corruptor, a vote of recall can get a new election at any time. Rulers rule by force. Leaders lead because people follow them voluntarily.

Charge - Any Citizen can charge another. If the Charged is captured a Trial shall be called. If one does not want to face a Trial and make Restoration, they may leave.
At Trial an Advocate for each side is chosen. Experienced Advocates maintain the balance to figure out the terms of The Restoration. The Restoration is to make the victim whole again, and is not complete until the victim says.
If anyone does not agree to the Restoration terms, they may leave.
What is most important in a Citizen of The Tribe, is that they choose to stay with their community and abide by the Law, if not they can choose to leave.

- All Violent crimes should be defended against with lethal force. To put them out of their misery and prevent its spread by action or thought.

- If sentenced to exile, he must leave for no one will be charged for his murder.

Let the records chronicle, those Heros who defend the community. Chronicle, those who made mistakes and how they were Restored. Chronicle, the evil men that had to be put out of their misery, and why that evil must not spread.

Free trade - Every Citizen is free to trade whatever is in his possession to any other Citizen of his Tribe or another. Declaration of The Free Black Market.

- Participatory Economics
- Wholesale
- Resource Based
- Voluntary Labor
- Open Source

To get together to make something all free men need is an idea, the resources to do it, and the will to do it. Customers can pay for what the guild makes with the resources to do it or the labor to get it done. If you work you get paid with your share of what is made. An agreement among men to how they want to do something.

Examples -

Manufacturing Guild:
To make bowl: 8 pay with the material to make ten, and two people pay with the labor of making ten, everyone gets a bowl.

Health Guild:
Members of the Guild pays for their care by growing resources, or Applying their knowledge. The Guild organize what they want to have available and post the schedule of inventory and needs. If you are concerned with there being enough health care then you had better keep up. Customers organize what standards should be practiced and to be a worker you are tested on your ability and knowledge. Customers can fire you. The resources to learn can be kept in the Guild Library, which anyone can access for no cost, but must meet standards to perform. And part of standards is to teach the new ones. Pay teachings to the Guild to teach new level workers.
And if it is the will of the People to have Private Member Access, or can manage the resources to openly serve everyone it is that guilds decision. You can always make your own Guild the better one.

Defence Guild:
Those who decide to strengthen themselves to better protect their own kingdom, and wish to communicate with their neighbors to protect their tribe.
Active members are our military
Passive members are those who voluntarily tribute to the cause of defence... no one should be forced to pay if the do not believe in a military.
Anarcho-Syndicate. Vote for those who are good leaders for your unit. Vote Recall anytime if they have become corrupt. But listen to their instructions for that is why you voted for them.
Leaders who will keep discipline and courage in focus. Leaders to organize communication and strategy. Never for Orders, but for a Champion of Peace.
Work is training, and to ease a burden of a your neighbor is to bring a Peace to their lives. And it reminds you of who you are strong for.

Transportation Guild:
We want cars, and those cars need roads. Initial purchase, or finance of locally manufactured or imported vehicle. A Lease Warranty covers road building and vehicle damages insurance.

Treaty -
For when Tribes agree on a method and standards of operation and can voluntarily collaborate on their operations. When a Treaty is updated or changed each Tribe can agree to keep their relevant Guilds in the treaty or drop out.

Such as
Transportation Technology
Communication Technology
InterTribal road connection
Water way management
Air way management
Wild lands management

Coin - Every Citizen/King and his word should be his own credit and mint. The Tribe should decide the standard weight, or a network of Tribes who can agree on the tail side But from his own wealth and house print His Coin. Which is to given as collateral to any other citizen to open Personal Accounts with one another. Then bind to each other with a two sided string on each Coin. A side for me and you on my string and The same for yours. We can tie a knot to the string for credit. I buy a basket of beans from you and you tie however many knots on my account. I keep record also on the other side of my account with you. Later if needed we can square off with trade of knots, or the knot value in Coin. Delayed Barter.
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