Wednesday, August 25, 2021

MHD -01

Capacitive coupling is the transfer of alternating electrical signals or energy from one segment of a circuit to the other using a capacitor. ... When used for coupling, the capacitor offers a high resistance or impedance to the d.c voltage while providing a low resistance path for the desired ac signal.

Galvanic cells, also known as voltaic cells, are electrochemical cells in which spontaneous oxidation-reduction reactions produce electrical energy. ... The reaction may be split into its two half-reactions. Half-reactions separate the oxidation from the reduction, so each can be considered individually.

A salt water battery employs a concentrated saline solution as its electrolyte. They are nonflammable and more easily recycled than batteries that employ toxic or flammable materials

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 CF Salvage Program 2016 BSG.PDF


The Publics Roll in Vaccination.PDF 


The Future of Health.PDF 


The Future of Technology.PDF 


The Workforce of the Future.PDF 


Protocols of the Elders of Zion.PDF 

The Unified Field Theory of Anarchy

 The Unified Field Theory of Anarchy

Anarchy comes from the Medieval Latin anarchia and from the Greek anarchos ("having no ruler"), with an-+ archos ("ruler") literally meaning "without ruler".

Anarchy - Wiki 

The non-aggression principle (NAP), also called the non-aggression axiom, the non-coercion principle, the non-initiation of force and the zero aggression principle, is a concept in which "aggression", defined as initiating or threatening any forceful interference with either an individual or their property,[note 1] is inherently wrong.[1][2] In contrast to pacifism, the NAP does not forbid forceful defense and is considered by some to be a defining principle of libertarianism in the United States.[3] It is also a prominent idea in anarcho-capitalism, classical liberalism and minarchism.[4][5][6][7]

Non-Aggression Principle - Wiki

Voluntaryism - Wiki 


Anarcho Capitalism - Wiki 

Voluntary Trade: a farmers market, garage sale, the black market

Anarcho Socialism - Wiki 

Voluntary working together towards a common end: Farmers CoOp, Food CoOp, Energy CoOp, Banking CoOp (Credit Union), Voluntary Insurances

Anarcho Communism - Wiki   

Voluntary Gifts: Birthdays, Christmas, Grandma needs something just get it for her, Alms, Church Offerings, Charities

Anarcho Syndicalism - Wiki

Communication Structure for efficiency, Confederated Alliance of Local Militias


Not fighting each other for supremacy (divide and conquer) 

Each tactic has many uses in each locality. 

All exist simultaneously, voluntarily. 

You voluntarily participate in the ones you believe in and have a benefit to you.

Participatory Economics - Wiki





Recommended Reading 001

 Learning Skills and The Trivium - Jarret Sanchez.PDF


48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene.PDF 


The Art of War - Sun Tzu.PDF 


By Way of Deception - VO+CH.PDF 


Field Manual of Intelligence Interogation US ARMY.PDF 


Pandoras Box - VD+BB.PDF 


The Manipulated Man - EV.PDF 


The Predatory Female - LS.PDF 


The Big Book of NLP Techniques - SV.PDF 

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sun 01

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The Sun Tarot card is the Major Arcana card of positivity, optimism, freedom and fun. When The Sun appears in an upright position, things should be going well for you as this card also represents success and enthusiasm. You will find that people are drawn to the happy vibes and positive energy you are giving out and you will bring light and joy to everyone and everything you come into contact with. You will be feeling carefree, liberated and self-assured. It is also the card of truth so if you have been the victim of lies or deception, The Sun is coming to shine its light on the deceit to reveal the truth and the perpetrators of the lies. The Sun Tarot card in an upright position also signifies good luck. Any problems you have been experiencing will melt away with the warmth this card brings. It can also indicate travel to a country with a warm climate.

General Meaning and Interpretation (Reversed)
In a general context, The Sun Tarot card reversed can indicate sadness, depression and pessimism. You may be finding it difficult to focus on the positive with this card in your Tarot reading. The Sun reversed does not usually mean that your situation or circumstances are all that bad but that you are feeling pessimistic and focusing on the negative which is affecting your outlook on life. It can signify a lack of enthusiasm for life, being unclear on the right path to take or being unable to see the way forward. This Major Arcana card may show that you are letting negative energy/thoughts close you off to the happiness and joy that is all around you. You have the power to change this by simply allowing yourself to be open to the positive things that are coming your way and by finding gratitude for the good things in your life.  The Sun reversed can also be an indicator of being overly enthusiastic or confident to the point that it becomes a negative trait. For example, you may be being so overly confident that you are actually becoming egotistical or arrogant. Or you may be so enthusiastic about achieving your goals that you haven’t stopped to check if they are actually realistic.

 Electric Sun Theory

Eric Dollard: The Sun

EVERYTHING Is Invisible In Space In The Visible Spectrum

Black Sun - Black Feathered Sun

Donald Scott: Modeling Birkeland Currents,

Primer Fields

Moon 01

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The general meaning of The Moon Tarot card in an upright position is that everything is not as it seems. It is also the Major Arcana Tarot card of intuition. The Moons tells you that something about a situation or person in your life is not what it appears to be and you need to trust what your instincts are telling you in order to see past this illusion. The Moon also indicates that you should pay attention to your dreams as your subconscious may be bringing your attention to some information you’ve missed. The Moon can also signify that you are letting your anxiety or fear overwhelm you which may be having a negative effect on your outlook and causing you to suffer from mood swings, instability or insecurity. It can also represent a woman’s menstrual cycle. The Moon can also signify dormant insecurities or repressed issues resurfacing. The Moon Tarot card can represent underhanded or dodgy deals or illegal behaviour. If it appears in this context it is a warning to clean your act up before your behaviour is exposed. If you are awaiting a decision on something, The Moon indicates that the answer will either be delayed or be so vague it will add to your confusion rather than clarify matters

General Meaning and Interpretation (Reversed)
n a general context The Moon Tarot card reversed can signify releasing fears or negative energy clearing. It can also indicate secrets or lies being exposed. If you have been experiencing fear or anxiety it should begin to subside. If you have lost something, The Moon reversed is a sign you will find it. This Major Arcana card may also be an indication of self-deception or delusions. You may be kidding yourself about your role in creating your current circumstances or you may be struggling to separate your own deception or fantasies from reality. The Moon reversed can also indicate that any depression or mental health issues you have been having will begin to lift and you will begin to see the light again. You will work through any repressed issues or insecurities to find new confidence and clarity. If you have been awaiting a decision on something, The Moon reversed indicates that you will get an answer or clarity on the matter. 

The Moon is HOLLOW?? 
5 Moon Mysteries That Science CAN'T Explain

Linda Moulton Howe
The Moon is an Intelligent Machine

Roswell Alien Interview

Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…